9th - Landsberg (D), Bibliothekssaal, 20:00
Release concert with the Dandelion Quintet for their Album "Windspiel" containing my commissioned piece "Hapax Legomenon".
15th - 00h10 BR - Radio
"Pretty much the same thing all the time ..." (Marcel Morikawa, Patrick Stapleton, Perkussion)
Album release with my piece "Hapax Legnomenon" on Col Legno (Austria) with the Munich based Dandelion Quintet.
8th - Studio für Neue Musik, Würzburg (D) - 19h30
Samira Spiegel performs "Tiny Robots" for Violin, Piano and Live-Elektronics
11th - 00h10 BR Klassik -Radio
Broadcast of the 2017 recording of the String Sextet
26th - Galerie Artoxin, Munich - 19h30
Premiere of "1039" for flute, violine and cello. Performed by Martina Silvester, Nina Takai and Katerina Giannitsioti
26th - Schwere Reiter, Munich - 20h00
"Hapax Legomenon" performed by the Dandelion Quintett part of a CD-Release concert on the label Col Legno.
28th - Alte Dorfkirche, Hausen bei Aschaffenburg (D) - 17h00
Samira Spiegel performs "Tiny Robots" for Violin, Piano and Live-Electronics
19th - Kloster Raitenhaslach "Look into the future" (D)
Samira Spiegel performs "Tiny Robots" for Violin, Piano and Live-Electronics
31st -18h00 - Festival Blurred Edges, Pauluskirche, Hamburg - 18h00
Samira Spiegel performs "Tiny Robots" for Violin, Piano and Live-Electronics
20th - 00h10 BR - Radio
"innen, Sonne - eine Fantasie" - broadcast of the premiere with Ensemble Recherche
17th - Berlin, BKA Theater, 20h00
Samira Spiegel performs "Tiny Robots" for Violin, Piano and Live-Electronics
22th - Munich, Galerie Sundheimer, 17h30,
Kathrin Isabelle Klein performs "Diminuendo" for prepared piano in a concert by MGNM.
28th - München, Antennenglüh'n – Nacht der Neuen Musik
"Suite für Klavier zu Händen" - performed by students of the Jugendakademie der Hochschule für Musik und Theater München
22th - Bern (CH), LE Cap 20h00
The Le Beau Ensemble performs my arrangement of the song cycle op. 11 from Luise Adolpha Le Beau.
24th - Munich, Schwere Reiter, 17h45
Chiung-Wen Hsu performs "Nachtstück" as part of the MGNM-Musikfest
9th - Landsberg (D), Bibliothekssaal, 20:00
Release concert with the Dandelion Quintet for their Album "Windspiel" containing my commissioned piece "Hapax Legomenon".
15th - 00h10 BR - Radio
"Pretty much the same thing all the time ..." (Marcel Morikawa, Patrick Stapleton, Perkussion)
Album release with my piece "Hapax Legnomenon" on Col Legno (Austria) with the Munich based Dandelion Quintet.
8th - Studio für Neue Musik, Würzburg (D) - 19h30
Samira Spiegel performs "Tiny Robots" for Violin, Piano and Live-Elektronics
11th - 00h10 BR Klassik -Radio
Broadcast of the 2017 recording of the String Sextet
26th - Galerie Artoxin, Munich - 19h30
Premiere of "1039" for flute, violine and cello. Performed by Martina Silvester, Nina Takai and Katerina Giannitsioti
26th - Schwere Reiter, Munich - 20h00
"Hapax Legomenon" performed by the Dandelion Quintett part of a CD-Release concert on the label Col Legno.
28th - Alte Dorfkirche, Hausen bei Aschaffenburg (D) - 17h00
Samira Spiegel performs "Tiny Robots" for Violin, Piano and Live-Electronics
19th - Kloster Raitenhaslach "Look into the future" (D)
Samira Spiegel performs "Tiny Robots" for Violin, Piano and Live-Electronics
31st -18h00 - Festival Blurred Edges, Pauluskirche, Hamburg - 18h00
Samira Spiegel performs "Tiny Robots" for Violin, Piano and Live-Electronics
20th - 00h10 BR - Radio
"innen, Sonne - eine Fantasie" - broadcast of the premiere with Ensemble Recherche
17th - Berlin, BKA Theater, 20h00
Samira Spiegel performs "Tiny Robots" for Violin, Piano and Live-Electronics
22th - Munich, Galerie Sundheimer, 17h30,
Kathrin Isabelle Klein performs "Diminuendo" for prepared piano in a concert by MGNM.
28th - München, Antennenglüh'n – Nacht der Neuen Musik
"Suite für Klavier zu Händen" - performed by students of the Jugendakademie der Hochschule für Musik und Theater München
22th - Bern (CH), LE Cap 20h00
The Le Beau Ensemble performs my arrangement of the song cycle op. 11 from Luise Adolpha Le Beau.
24th - Munich, Schwere Reiter, 17h45
Chiung-Wen Hsu performs "Nachtstück" as part of the MGNM-Musikfest